Do Not Take Things Personally!

Aulia Anne
2 min readMar 24, 2021


Today while I do one of my routines in the morning; browsing for a new trend. I stumbled upon a TEDx Talks Video suggested for me in a week called How not to take things personally? | Frederik Imbo | TEDxMechelen. You can watch the video here;

It is a good “brainwashing” video (in a good way) about not taking everything personally. Frederick Imbo brings out a 1 euro coin as an example to emphasize the things that he wanted to talk about on the stage. He mentioned that he works as a referee to train his mind — showing the connection between the topic and his job.

In order to teach your mind not to take things personally, you have to see situations from the different sides, like the two faces of coins. For example, when there is another car behind yours, and it keeps honking at you, there are two sides to read in this situation. First, you are indeed driving very slowly, and second, they do that because they are in a hurry. Frederick said we must first focus on other people’s intentions before thinking that it is because of us, so not everything is about us.

There is also a moment when your child is saying they hate you because you are not permitting them to stay awake late at night — don’t shout back with the exact words because they sure didn’t mean that. Focus on the situation first — they uttered that word because of their intention and anger at that specific moment. Take a deep breath and remember, you should not take that personally.

It sounds easy in theory (he is aware of that), but if you train your mind to do this in every situation, you will not feel bad about yourself. Federick said he always did a pep talk before a match to remind himself and train his mind not to take things personally. You can watch the video and share your thought here. It is an excellent video that helps you remind that everything is not always your fault.



Aulia Anne

A writer who will serve you with many articles related to art and technology. Feel free to contact me :)