8 Simple and Fun Spring Outdoor Activities

Aulia Anne
10 min readMar 22, 2021


Skagit Valley Tulip Festival, Mount Vernon, the United States/ Perry Kibler.

As the sun rises at dawn, spring arrives with a new breath of life. The smell of fresh air greets your first step outside. You take a deep inhale once again — the aroma of wet grass revives your spirit, which had been sleeping under the fur blanket. It’s a magical time, filled with the joy of creatures emerging from hibernation and flower seeds beginning to sprout from the ground. Colorful scenery will soon become part of your daily routine.

Spring is a blessed season, a time to be thankful for. It marks new beginnings for everything. If you live in a rural area, you know it’s the best season for locals to revive their fields buried under winter coats. Yet, the joy is the same in a big city. It’s time to shed your thick jacket from the wardrobe and stretch your body.

“What to do next?” you ask yourself, thinking about the clear day awaiting you outside.

Your enthusiasm is palpable, and you need a list of fun things to do during this season. Don’t worry! I’ll help you with a list. Just keep reading as I refresh your mind with eight simple outdoor activities to make you more productive and joyful.

1. Picnic at The Park

Eating food outside is a natural mood booster. Sitting in an open area while enjoying delicious food always provides a sense of well-being. The spring breeze that caresses your body will stimulate your appetite and is perfect for your mental health.

Picnic basket and foods/ Kate Hliznitsova.

Perhaps you remember the story of a young boy who believes he cannot walk because he is always inside the house? Only after his cousin persuades him to venture into the garden does he finally learn to walk and come alive. Yes, this is a storyline from the spirit-lifting novel titled The Secret Garden, published in 1911 (which has also been adapted into movies under the same title).

If you recall the feelings you had the first time you read this novel, you will understand why a picnic is so beneficial. It clears your mind and relieves stress simultaneously. Picnics are often enjoyed with family or friends, allowing you to engage in social activities and enhance your social skills while strengthening relationships.

Picnic time also involves preparing your food beforehand. Typically, you either cook your meals at home or opt for on-site cooking, such as a barbecue picnic. Cooking your own food promotes healthier eating habits because you know all the ingredients you are using. It’s one of the simplest activities you can enjoy during the spring season.

2. A Routine Cycling Around

Do you want to achieve a desirable body and stay healthy without paying for a gym membership? Cycling is the answer. It’s a simple exercise that can help reduce body fat — a cost-effective and beneficial activity during springtime.

Don’t have a bicycle? You can rent one for free or pay a small fee to use a public bike. In big cities, there are bicycle stations conveniently located on every block. Alternatively, you can purchase one — buying a bicycle is a good investment since you won’t incur ongoing gas expenses and can use it for a long time.

The weather during the spring season is pleasant, not too cold like winter nor too hot like summer. It allows you to wear your regular clothes and generate a light sweat, which refreshes your body. Cycling outdoors lets you experience life around you firsthand — this is why I encourage outdoor cycling over using a stationary bike. You would miss out on the inspiration that awaits you otherwise.

3. Running on a Hill Track

Running can happen anywhere, but running on a hill track during the spring season is unparalleled. “How?” you ask.

Lantau Peak, Hongkong/ Rachel C

Running is also one of the best and most affordable exercises to keep your body fit — an activity that rejuvenates your system. Similar to walking but faster and with stronger footfalls, many people incorporate running into their busy weekdays through interval training. It helps them maintain a healthy weight, reduces stress, and requires no expensive equipment to begin.

Now, let’s talk about running on a hill track. Running on flat terrain is undoubtedly easier and quicker. However, if you want to spend more time enjoying the spring day while achieving your fitness goals faster, you need to add some spice — a challenge. You should try running uphill. It won’t be easy, but there’s no rush. Starting at your own pace is perfectly fine. The time it takes to reach the top of the hill doesn’t matter because your effort will be worth it in the end.

During spring, the once-bare trees begin to sprout new leaves, and many plants start to grow. However, certain insects do not emerge until summer. This means that when you’re running near shrubby areas on a hill track, you don’t have to worry much about insect bites. Once you reach the top, your exhausted body will be rewarded with a stunning view. Running downhill isn’t as challenging as running uphill, and you can enjoy the pull of gravity helping you along. Trust me — this experience is worth trying.

Running down the hill/ Asoggetti.

4. Photo Scavenger

If photography is your hobby, then spring is the perfect season to indulge in it. Capturing the change of seasons is a valuable collection for your projects. After all, no activity can beat pursuing your passion, right?

Even if you’re not familiar with photography, you can always try this activity. Photo scavenging involves finding interesting things and capturing them with a camera. You don’t need sophisticated tools for this — just use your smartphone if you don’t have a camera. Nowadays, smartphones have advanced capabilities and can produce valuable pictures in skilled hands at the right moment. But if you do have a camera, what are you waiting for?

You can hunt for photos in the park during a picnic, walk through the forest, or stroll in the city center. In spring, you’ll capture many colorful scenes of nature: the blue sky replacing the gray of winter, flowers slowly blooming, and trees adorned in green. If nature isn’t your preference, try photographing people in bustling areas. Consider a project like “Spring Fashion,” capturing the vibrant and diverse clothing styles as people shed their winter coats. Additionally, explore photographing seasonal fruits and foods, adding variety to your collection.

The changing of the season, Warsaw Poland.

If you enjoy games and competition, consider joining a photo scavenger group in your town. It’s a great way to have a healthy, competitive day with others who share your interests. Create a small challenge for your group to hunt for the best spring-themed pictures — you can choose any theme you like. Afterward, share your photos on social media to showcase your creativity and see what others capture.

5. Fishing


That’s a word often uttered by those who’ve never tried fishing. If you’re among them, it’s time to give fishing a shot!

Fishing in the lake with family/ Federico Giampieri

Fishing is a lifelong skill that can be enjoyed by people of any age. It’s a valuable ability that could prove useful if you ever find yourself lost in the wilderness or a survival situation. When you try fishing for the first time, you never know what you’ll experience. You might initially think you can’t endure standing or sitting for long periods, staring at the water, but trust me, you can. The moment a fish bites your hook for the first time, you’ll understand why people cherish this feeling, and undoubtedly, you’ll want to experience it again.

This activity can be enjoyed in every season, but it’s crucial to avoid fishing during extreme weather — whether it’s too hot or too cold. Spring typically offers stable weather conditions, making it one of the best seasons for fishing. I recommend going in the afternoon or early evening when the water is warmer and fish are more active. However, it’s important to do further research to determine the best times and locations for fishing during spring.

I could confidently say that the best fish I’ve ever tasted is the one I caught myself in the sea. It requires no seasoning — just fire to cook it — and you know that even fish served in five-star restaurants will never compare in flavor.

6. Throw a Backyard Spring Party

In China, there is a traditional festival known as the Spring Festival, typically held at the beginning of February. Most commonly recognized as Lunar Chinese New Year, it celebrates the arrival of the new year and marks the beginning of the spring season. In many East Asian countries, particularly in rural areas where agriculture is predominant, winter is often associated with hardship and scarcity. Therefore, spring is viewed as a time of renewal and the start of new life, deserving of celebration and joyous festivities.

Indeed, not every country shares the same traditions, but the spirit of new beginnings is universally worth celebrating. Hosting parties with your neighbors in the backyard is a wonderful way to spread joy within your community. Spring is a season of renewal and sharing — whether it’s food or togetherness. It’s also a time to reflect with gratitude on our ancestors who worked hard to survive through the winter months.

If your neighborhood doesn’t already have a spring party tradition, consider suggesting the idea to your community. Strengthening bonds with your neighbors is important because they are often the first ones to help when something goes wrong. A spring party could be a great way to connect with those living nearby, mend relationships, and build a strong sense of community.

7. Forest Bathing

Forest bathing is perfect for those who wish to spend their days in nature during this season. Just as you take a shower when you feel your body is dirty, forest bathing serves a similar purpose for your well-being, albeit with nature’s healing touch.

Long ago, humans lived intimately with nature, existing harmoniously and respecting every living creature they encountered. Over time, as we evolved, we began to believe that caves offered more safety than sleeping under the shade of trees on the forest floor. However, gradually, we lost this deep connection to nature as the forests we once knew were replaced by skyscrapers.

Sun peeking through the trees/ Lukasz Szmigiel.

In springtime, consider reconnecting with nature through forest bathing. According to Qing Li in his book “Forest Bathing: How Trees Can Help You Find Health and Happiness,” spending time in the forest can effectively reduce anxiety, stress, anger, and depression. His research on the effects of forest immersion showed that walking in the forest can uplift spirits, enhance sleep quality, and alleviate fatigue.

The best time to walk in the forest during spring is in the afternoon when the weather is warmer compared to the early morning. Spending more than 20 minutes in the forest allows you to establish a connection and feel your soul harmonize with nature. Take a break from urban life, enjoy your walk without using your smartphone, and consider meditating or even camping (after confirming if it’s allowed in the forest you visit). Give it a try and experience the serene sensation of hearing the plants grow around you.

8. Start Gardening

Benjamin Combs

My mother always said, “Food prices may fluctuate, but when you have your own garden, you have one less thing to worry about.”

Yes, gardening is the answer if you think it’s still risky to go outside during the pandemic and engage in other activities mentioned above. It’s considered an outdoor activity, but you can safely do it on your own property.

Spring wouldn’t be complete without gardening. It’s an activity that anyone can easily learn and enjoy. Besides benefiting your mental health, gardening promotes healthy living for you and your family. Fresh vegetables from your own garden are essential for maintaining good health.

Since our lifestyles have changed since 2020, it’s important to consider growing our food because we never know what the future holds. You can begin by researching which plants are easy for beginners to grow and which ones are suitable for this season.

Gardening can be incredibly fulfilling as you witness your seeds grow and produce something valuable. Numerous studies have highlighted the health benefits of gardening, including reductions in depression, anxiety, and body mass index, along with increases in life satisfaction, overall quality of life, and a sense of community. So, why wait? Start your own garden now and soon reap the rewards of your hard work.

Last but not least… have fun enjoying this new season!



Aulia Anne

A writer who will serve you with many articles related to art and technology. Feel free to contact me :)